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Renegades Review

Renegades is such an amazing story. It has an amazing plot in my opinion. The book follows two characters, Nova and Adrian, as they go through a very complicated mess. Nova Artino, alias Nightmare, is an anarchist who hates the Renegades with everything she has. She will do anything in her power to end them. Adrian is a Renegade who doesn't like the Anarchists at all, especially Nightmare, who he believes might know something about his mother's death. Nobody knows that Nova exists, so she joins the renegades to try and get as much information on them as she can to take them down, but after a while is that why she still stays a Renegade? Or are there other reasons why she stays on Adrian's team?

It's a good story and I sense a little enemies to lover action in it and think in the next book it's going to show us more of the interactions between Adrian and Nova.

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